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Thanks - plus Review and Added Value?


Thanks - plus Review and Added Value?

To: Participants (in the room and in the virtual space)

Impact: Social and Behavioural Change - March 29, 2011

From: Warren Feek

Many thanks to everyone for your engagement in the Impact Meeting - to UNAIDS for hosting; the Presenters for your ideas and insights; the Participants in the room on the day for your review and questions; and, to many of you who have indicated you were reviewing the presentations on line.

Some review questions related to this day on which I would very much welcome your feedback, shared with others in this network. Please click on the link below "Read More" in this email below, open this full note, scroll down, enter you replies to the questions below in the Comment Box and Save to send!.

Review Questions

  1. What are two items of impact research and evaluation data that attracted your attention and why?
  2. What were two strategic insights you took from the day and why?
  3. Overall, how would you describe the added value of the impact day for your work?

Thanks - really appreciated - best wishes - Warren

Warren Feek Executive Director The Communication Initiative

1-250-658-6372 - work 1-250-588-8795 - mobile 1-250-658-1728 - fax

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Hi folks - re The "Impact"

Hi folks - re The "Impact" community - please note due to some access issues we have changed the port for this facility - you should now access at - please change bookmarks etc. And please do respond to the Review questions - namely:

Review Questions

  1. What are two items of impact research and evaluation data that attracted your attention and why?
  2. What were two strategic insights you took from the day and why?
  3. Overall, how would you describe the added value of the impact day for your work?

Thanks - really appreciated - Warren

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Impact: Social and Behavioural Change
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