Strategic Roles for Behaviour Change Communication: Brainstorming on research


In this summary on The CI site - Strategic Roles for Behaviour Change Communication in a Changing Malaria Landscape - - we read that "Solid planning must inform BCC interventions so that messages are geared to key audiences, activities are founded on behavioural theories and formative research, and enough commodities are available to meet the demand generated in the population. However, additional data is needed on the effectiveness of BCC for malaria. Research will help to adapt messages and approaches to reduce audience fatigue and to promote new interventions. Malaria behaviours are not static, they change in response to new policies, interventions, and messages."

I think that this call for research could inform not only work in the area of malaria but also other health communication venues. I was wondering if anyone has any resources or experiences to share that highlight ways in which research has been carried out effectively for strategic health communication - not just impact (very important) but prior to the initiative's implementation and along the way. For example, how did you make the focus group discussions work successfully? And so on...


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I found this very

I found this very interesting. More can be found on behaviour change research at

People may be interested in quickly reviewing some of what they find there.

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