Presentation: Methodology 2 - Soul City (Southern Africa) Research Methodology - Dr Susan Goldstein
Saturday, Mar 21
9 years 19 weeks ago
We have just heard a very interesting and thought provoking presentation by Sebastian Taylor with some great questions from participants.
The 2nd research methodology presentation will come from Dr Sue Goldstein, Programme Director at the Soul City Institute for Health & Development Communication in South Africa.
Attached please find the presentation.
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More background information can be found here
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Feedback on event
Firstly thanks for organising this event - it was stimulating and enjoyable. All three presentations were interesting: Seb Taylor's work was most compelling because it was completely new to me. It was a good idea to limit the substantive presentations to three with plenty of time for questions and discussion. I think less time could have been devoted to process at the outset given that it wasn't a training event. Its great to be participatory but (sorry!)… I didn't actually do the first activity of writing down two things and exchanging with another participant. That said, I hoped to learn something new - specifically QCA (which I did) and to have my questions about the DMI RCT at least partially answered (they were).
The day perhaps suffered from trying to be too many things to too many people, and was somewhat inconclusive. Not necessarily a bad thing but would potentially have benefited from a wrap up that gave greater direction for future actions, gatherings etc. I think it would have been useful to have had two discussants - say someone from DFID's evaluation dept and/or results team and a highly reputed academic researcher, to pronounce on the credibility of the methodologies presented, from their different perspectives.
Would be useful in future to have an opportunity to explore how to measure the effects of multi-platform interventions and tease out the relative contribution of the different components from the evidence that exists. And to move away from health comms and cast light onto other sectors.
Multi-platfom and beyond health
Amy Bank comments on Nicola's fedback post
I wasn't able to attend, so can't comment on the event itself, but I very much agree with Nicola's last comment about multi-platform interventions, and going beyond health sector.
Would love to participate in an event on that!
Warm regards,
Amy Bank
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