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Martes, Dec 11
hace 11 years 41 weeks

To: The Early Child Development Community within The Drum Beat network

From: Julie Levy


Hello and best wishes. The Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF) has a new website making available each issue of its flagship publication Early Childhood Matters.

You can access the website here:
Here you can find “The impact of public violence on children: the current state of research”, “Measuring quality and using it to improve practice and policy in early childhood development”, and “Working with youth to improve the built environment”, among a host of other critical issues on the needs of young children.

There are links to each full publication by title, available in both English and Spanish. Also, the articles are archived in categories according to the three focus topics of BvLF:
Quality early learning
Healthy environments
Reducing violence

Please do share with us the issue or article that most addresses your work in early childhood development.

If you see views that are confirmed by your experience, would you reply here and tell us how they are linked?

Do you find a perspective or project that particularly gives you an insight into your work? Please let us know.

To contribute and share your insights and knowledge simply reply by email to this message and/or click the Read More link below, log in and comment)

Those of us who follow what is happening in the field of early childhood development very much look forward to you sharing your insights based on your valuable experience in support of everyone's work in this field.

Thanks - Julie

Julie Levy
The Communication Initiative

Early Child Development
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