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Rio+20 - Coverage and Your Assessment


Rio+20 - Coverage and Your Assessment

To: The Drum Beat Networks Natural Resource Management Community

Hi and best wishes. As the Rio+20 Conference comes closer you can review the following through the Natural Resource Management space at

  • the flow of Twitter Feeds related to the Conference

  • the flow of News related to the Conference from 20,000 plus news sources globally

  • the flow of videos related to Rio+20

Plus we have introduced a poll seeking your assessment of the value of such an event - see right column at

And please do reply to this note (by email or logging in through Read More link below) sharing your opinions, from a communication and media, social and behavioural change perspective, on the value that will be gained from the Rio+20 conference.

Thanks and much support for your very important work.


Warren Feek Executive Director The Communication Initiative Twitter: @warrencomminit Facebook: The Communication Initiative Network LinkedIn: Warren Feek Skype: Warren Feek Office - 1–250-658-6372 Mobile 1-250-588-8795 Fax 1-250-658-1728

Environment/Natural Resource Management
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