Network: Impact - Social and Behavioural Change - UNAIDS - Geneva, March 29th 2011
Many best wishes and thanks for sending the form related to the forthcoming meeting organised by The Communication Initiative and hosted by UNAIDS on the impact of social and behavioural change strategies - March 29th, 20111 in Geneva.
First, my apologies again that we were unable to accept everyone's registration for this event. There were just too many people for the space available. We have tried to get a group balanced in terms of both policy makers, practitioners, researchers, funders and development agency advisers and with differing geographic perspectives. So not being confirmed for this meeting is absolutely no reflection on your work or achievements - definitely not. If you were accepted you will have received a note from me confirming your attendance.
This email is actually a contribution to an online forum established for communication around this forum for all who expressed interest. To see the full message and enter the forum please click on the link below and enter your username (the part of your email before the @) and then the password genevachange29. Can I strongly suggest that your next step is to click on your username top left, then Account Settings and change your password (and username if you wish) so that they are very private. At the same time please do click on Profile and Picture and personalise your presence in this process. Thanks.
We have established this online network for information, dialogue, debate and questioning around the themes of the meeting and the meeting itself. This network will involve (a) people presenting in Geneva (b) people attending (c) people who requested attendance but we very sadly could not confirm to attend in person (d) Communication Initiative Partner focal points and (e) others from The CI network who may be interested. You can of course unsubscribe at any time - just deselect this Group in Account Settings.
At present what you will see in this online space is pretty bare! But we are just beginning. This will become the space where you will be able to share your knowledge and ideas; review the presentations; debate themes that emerge; share files - eg - summaries of your evaluation and research; enter forthcoming, relevant events in the calendar; and much more - whether you are in Geneva or not. We want to try to balance the physical meeting with this virtual process.
One other request: If you have your participation confirmed and you require a visa for Switzerland then please send me as soon as possible your passport details. I will forward this to UNAIDS who will issue the formal invitation. They require: a scan of your passport main page and a note with the key data on the passport - date of birth, place of birth, full name, validity of the passport, place/office which provided you with this passport (married or not), etc. Then they can issue the formal invitation. So, please send to me as soon as possible. Thanks
OK - more soon to start this process - this is just a quick introduction for now. Please do complete the account settings tasks - change your password, profile, picture (click on your username top left).
Best wishes - Warren
Warren Feek Executive Director The Communication Initiative
1-250-658-6372 - work 1-250-588-8795 - mobile 1-250-658-1728 - fax
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