Uganda Health Communication request

Friday, Oct 17
hace 9 years 47 weeks

To: The Health Communication Network with The Communication Initiative

Janice Windbourne - Otterbein University with a request related to health communication action in Uganda.

Hello All,

I am going to Uganda in May. I am interested in Entertainment Education and radio, in particular, health communication in general.

We are likely to be up near Arua, and I am looking for contacts who are working in EE and/or radio up in that area. I have tried to contact a women's radio group (Uganda Women's Media Association) whose description I found through Communication Initiative, but their addresses seem to be outdated.

Is there anyone out there who is working in Uganda who might be able to speak with me about what is going on there with respect to health communication?

I will appreciate any response.

Janice Windbourne

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication

To: The Health Communication Network within The Communication Initiative

Virginia Williams from New View Media responds to Janice Windborne's request for insights into health communication action in Uganda.

Hi Janice, I have a few suggestions for you. You might look into SASA! or “Raising Voices” — They are quite an active HIV/AIDS/GBV prevention group there:

You also might try contacting the Makere School of Public Health in Kampala, I’m sure they’d have some great info: Finally, PSI, Abt, World Vision, CARE, UNDP, UNFPA and the IRC, they’ve done a bit of work there as well. I hope this isn’t running over territory you already have and is helpful.

I’m planning to move there by Feb 1 (provided I find a job) so stay in touch! The latter was a big hint for anyone who is reading this— C4D, SBCC Trainer/Advisor seeks long term post/consultancy in Kampala.

Best of luck,


Virginia A. Williams
New View Media
Where Media Meets Mission

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request


I can respond to some of Virginia's requests.

My contacts are below.

Kind regards


Dr Lilian M Nabulime (Senior Lecturer)
Department of Visual Communication, Design and Multimedia, Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Arts,College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Mob: +256 777 139-996, +256 701 200-886
Alternative Email:

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

Hello there
Contact Bill Ryerson if you haven't already.
He has been doing EE work all throughout Africa and Asia.
Terrific man.


health communication in Uganda

Dear Janice,

I would like to invite you to join and re-post your message on HIFA (Healthcare Information For All).

HIFA (Healthcare Information For All) is a global campaign and knowledge network working in cooperation with WHO and others. We are more than 13,000 health workers, librarians, publishers, researchers and policymakers, committed to accelerate progress towards the HIFA Vision: a world where every person has access to the healthcare information they need to protect their own health and the health of others - people will no longer be dying for lack of knowledge. One-third of members are based in Africa, one-third in Europe, and one-third in the rest of the world. HIFA members represent more than 2500 organisations across 171 countries worldwide, and interact on five global email discussion forums (HIFA Global Forums) in three languages:

Best wishes, Neil

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

Dear Janice

It is good to hear that you will be in Uganda.

Unfortunately, I do not know anybody body working in EE based in Arua. I will keep you posted in case I come across any contact that might be of help.

Phylemon Odhiambo
Artistic Director
Kenya Institute of Puppet Theatre

RE: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

Dear Janice

Sorry I cannot help you in this instance.

Kind regards

Marilyn Keegan
Communications Manager
The Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA)

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

Hi, You can contact Gloria Laker - - Pius

Uganda Health Communication Insights and Contacts

To: The Health Communication Network within The Communication Initiative

Some Health Communication - Uganda links in response to Janice Windborne's request

Janice - Hi a few Uganda Health Communication Links links in case they help. Plus an encouragement to others to also respond to Janice's question by email or by clicking Read More below and contributing online.

Health Communication Uganda


Strategic Thinking



Thanks - Warren

And also - sorry should have

To: The Health Communication Network within The Communication Initiative

A quick further insights re Uganda and Health Communication for this thread. Click Read More below.

And also - sorry should have included in above - a few funding insights

Thanks - Warren

I am based in Uganda

Hi Janice, I am a communication consultant and based in Uganda. I can be of help in case the info shared with you already is not sufficient.


GREAT and other initiatives - Uganda Health Communication

To The Health Communication Network within The Communication Initiative Network

Camille Collins Lovell - Pathfinder International responds to Janice Windborne's request related to health communication action in Uganda

Hello Janice

As part of the GREAT project, Pathfinder International, has produced a radio serial drama around the issues of young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Northern Uganda. You can see other materials that are also part of the GREAT toolkit here

USAID supports Georgetown University’s Institute of Reproductive Health (IRH) in partnership with Save the Children and Pathfinder International to implement the Gender Roles, Equality, and Transformations (GREAT) Project in northern Uganda. The GREAT Project supports adolescents 10 to 19 years of age to achieve their hopes and dreams through improving reproductive health, safety from gender-based violence and equal opportunities for boys and girls.

We’d be happy to tell you more about the project, and the radio drama in particular, which is currently on air, and to put you in touch with our staff in Uganda. Feel free to contact me directly.

Camille Collins Lovell - Pathfinder International
Technical Advisor for Behavior Change
Pathfinder International

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

Dear all,

Kindly can I share in this program?! I am specialist in this field by drama , theatre


Hasan Sabaileh.

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

To: The Health Communication Network with The Communication Initiative

Danny Gotto in Uganda responds to the network request from Janice Windbourne - Otterbein University related to health communication action in Uganda.

Dear Janice,

I work in Uganda and piloting the GREAT Took kit in Kampala schools with Save the Children and ACODEV. But I would like to refer you to Straight Talk Foundation who are doing a lot of work in Northern Uganda. Also you may link up a non profit Mango Tree doing a lot in Edutainment etc.

If you are interested you may follow up with me privately (ED - click Danny username nd then Contact) to get you direct contacts for the people working with these organizations in northern Uganda.

Warm regards

Danny Gotto

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

We are deploying a number of free education and health applications in uganda at this time, but the program is free to anyone globally.

Please see the att’d



Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

You may also wish to get in touch with Reproductive Health Uganda - RHU. A member organization of IPPF. They have programs in northern Uganda -Gill and Lira that I visited this time last year. Their HQ is in kampala.


Eva Muthuuri
African Family Health

Uganda - Health Communication - CDFU

To: The Health Communication Network with The Communication Initiative

Anne Gamurorwa - Communication for Development Foundation Uganda (CDFU) responds to the network request from Janice Windbourne - Otterbein University related to health communication action in Uganda. Simply reply to this email or click Read More below and comment on the platform to share your insights, knowledge and questions - thanks.

I am Anne Gamurorwa and work with Communication for Development Foundation Uganda (CDFU), a 12 year old Ugandan NGO specialised in Social and behaviour change communication with wide experience and expertise in Entertainment Education and communication in different health and development fields including reproductive health, nutrition, malaria, HIV, and WASH for demand creation and behaviour change.

We have designed and implemented multimedia/multichannel projects with EE approaches, like the YEAH initiative which was countrywide including Arua. Some EE projects that are on-going are Healthy Choices radio program, an EE magazine type in 12 districts including parts of West Nile, a highly entertaining and award winning radio serial drama- Rock Point 256 that covers the whole country and has huge listener-ship of about 60% among youth.

We also use EE tools in community dialogues and mobilisation like the sexual network game and game. for more information please visit our website or like the facebook page for Rock Point 256 and for Healthy Choices. CDFU also runs a toll-free hotline 0800 200 600 for information, counseling and referrals.

We are looking forward to meeting you

Anne Gamurorwa - Communication for Development Foundation Uganda (CDFU)

Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

Greetings Anne

Thanks for sharing about CDFU. I will check it out and comment.


Re: [Health Communication] Uganda Health Communication request

Dear All

I am a comedian actor Hasan Sabaileh, you ask to meet me , I'd love that but tell when ? And where ?


Hasan Sabaileh