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Call for Submissions for Papers on Polio and/or Routine Immunisation (RI) and Communication


Call for Submissions for Papers on Polio and/or Routine Immunisation (RI) and Communication

To the Polio Network,

If you did not receive the email last week, this is a short note to let you know about a great opportunity for academics and practitioners working on polio and/or routine immunisation (RI) communication to write a paper for submission and potential publication in a new peer-reviewed, open access journal called Global Health Communication. A grant of $1,500 is available for successful applications.

The new journal is being published by the editorial team of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, the Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, and seeks to support the development of a space for the international research community to advance scholarship around the role of communication processes in global public health, policy, and behaviour change.

The Communication Initiative (The CI), together with the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP), USAID's flagship programme on polio and immunization issues, is working specifically to promote papers on polio and/or routine immunisation (RI) communication and is therefore calling on academics and practitioners working in this field to submit a proposal to write a paper for submission and potential publication in this new peer-reviewed, open access journal.

For more information and to download a short proposal form, go to

Please do send this onto your colleagues and networks working in this field.

Many thanks,

Anja Venth Editorial Director Soul Beat Africa

Polio Networks
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