AGENDA - Research Methodologies - Communication and Media for Development; Social and Behavioural Change
Date: 16 March, 2015
Venue: Media Centre Boardroom, BBC Media Action, BBC London
CONTEXT: Local, national, and international development requires impact evidence. Measuring and reporting the impact of the social, cultural, and personal dynamics related to development challenges - for example, community engagement strategies on health issues or media engagement on democracy and governance questions - can be extremely difficult.
REQUIREMENT: Credible data requires credible research methodologies. How the data is collected and analysed is subject to scrutiny by people both within and outside the communication and media for development/social and behavioural change field. Those outside our field, such as economists and epidemiologists, can be particularly harsh!
PURPOSE: To critically review, discuss and debate credible methodologies for research on communication and media for development/social and behavioural change themes.
Individual participants will leave the meeting with two new ideas for ways to strengthen the research and evaluation work of their organization related to communication and media; social and behavioural change themes.
Collectively the participants will contribute to the development of a short (two pages) paper that provides a critical overview of the credibility of communication and media; social and behavioural change research.
MEETING STRUCTURE: This one day meeting will be structured around these principles -
Substantive presentation of three research and evaluation methodologies, including an insight into the results obtained from those methodologies.
Significant time for the critical review by participants of those three research and evaluation methodologies.
We will do all that we can to avoid filling the day with a large number of short presentations and little dialogue. The emphasis is on substantive presentations and time for critical review.
From the perspectives outlined in the presentations and the participant review a critique of the BBC Media Action paper Reframing the Evidence Debates: A View from the Media for Development Sector.
The day will be facilitated by Warren Feek, Executive Director of The Communication Initiative.
AGENDA for 16th March, 2015
8-30am - Participants gather - please arrive before 8-30am as you need to be escorted!
8-45am - Welcome by the hosts
8-50am - Overview of the day (Warren Feek)
9-00am - Quick pairs discussion to establish individual goals and establish partnerships
9-15am - Presentation by Dr Seb Taylor - will outline a methodology drawing on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) for a major research initiative on how households make health decisions in northern Nigeria with specific reference to polio and routine immunization
10-15am - Critical review of this methodology by participants.
11-30am - Coffee!
11-45am - Presentation by Dr Sue Goldstein (Soul City) - on the major Soul City evaluation that combined: cross-sectional analytic studies; national household survey; and, stratified cluster samples.
12-30pm - Lunch
1-15pm - Critical review of this methodology by participants.
2-15pm - Quick Coffee!
2-30pm - Presentation by Simon Cousens and Roy Head (LSHTM and DMI) on the Randomized Control Trial methodology implemented in Burkina Faso with an indication of the initial results.
3-30pm - Critical review of this methodology by participants (with rolling coffee as this is happening).
4-30pm - What is evidence and who is it for? A perspective from applied research. Presenters James Deane and David Jodrell - BBC Media Action.
5-00pm - Critical review by participants.
5-30 pm - Reception
BBC Media Action cordially invite you to join them for a drinks reception immediately following the 16 March research methodologies meeting. The reception will take place at BBC Media Centre starting at 17.30.
Warren Feek
Executive Director
The Communication Initiative Network and Partnerships
Mobile: 1-250-588-8795