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Warren Feek's blog

Expectations: from Sibambene Development Communications

Hi - Patrick Cockayne and Janine Simon-Meyer from Sibambene Development Communications asked me to post this for them re expectations for the Impact: Social and Behavioural Change day in Geneva (and virtual) on 29th March

"The need for a comprehensive typology of approaches

We are development communication practitioners, who, over the past five years, have developed an approach to implementing locally owned communication interventions to promote health in migration affected sites in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique (for the International Organization for Migration's PHAMSA initiative). The conceptual and implementation work is currently being written up for academic publication.

Going back to basics: our experience is that, at the local level, there are innumerable opportunities for communication, and a rich range of possible tools, processes and approaches that might be appropriate. The question is to use those which will most effectively address the situation at hand, given the specific resources, needs, and intended outcome. The situation is surely the same at any other level of implementation. You wouldn't attempt to speak face to face with an entire population to inform them of the South African Health Minister's campaign to have 15 million people test for HIV; but then neither could you expect that people who have limited access to media (or, for that matter, HCT services) to internalise, or respond to, the vital new direction taken by national leadership. A national media campaign tells most of the population what is afoot; those who can will respond. Those in the corners of the country, with rickety district health services, limited access to radio, and facing a stack of social, cultural and economic conditions that make it unlikely that HIV will be top of their agenda, are unlikely to respond, despite that in many cases they are more vulnerable.

Impact Day - 29th March - Reminders

To: Participants (in person and virtual) - "Impact: Social and Behavioural Change" - UNAIDS - Geneva - 29th March 2011 (to read the full note and respond in this community please click on Read More link below, log in and comment/reply or start a new blog).

Hi folks - a few notes in advance of the Impact Day on March 29th in Geneva at UNAIDS in the Kofi Annan room starting at 9am Geneva time. Below I will cover: (1) the agenda (2) making presentations (and polls/assessments during the day) available to those not in Geneva for real-time comment (3) further prompts re both your expectations for the day and sharing your research results (4) wireless access in the room and (5) a note for the folks who are based in Geneva.

  1. The refined agenda is attached
  2. As each of the presentations commence we will make them available through this online community for online comments and questions - so feel free to join in no matter where you may be - we welcome all comments (nb there may also be some quick polls/surveys!
  3. Please do, through this community, submit both your expectations (interests/needs) for this day (with many thanks to those that have already) and your organisations relevant research and evaluation work/study (you can submit a separate "blog" and attach any files - please ensure they are pdfs). These remain really important as the presenters refine their presentations and want to ensure that they know about and respond to your needs and interests.
  4. There will be wireless access in the room. I am assured that it will handle 90 people no problem. So if you have a lap top please do bring it with you for the virtual interaction. BUT there are not many electric plugs so please make sure it is fully charged!
  5. If your office is in Geneva - I am very tentative in requesting this but f I do not ask...well.. people may say that I should have asked! The following is based on my past Geneva/London/New York etc experience.

Your Expectations: Impact Day, UNAIDS, Geneva - March 29th, 2011

Best wishes to everyone. Whether you have been confirmed to attend the meeting on "Impact: Social and Behavioural Change" in Geneva on March 29th or will possibly be participating through this online network we would very much value your contributing in advance of the meeting responses to the following questions through this online facility. This will help to both: (a) orient the presenters to your interests and expectations so that there presentations are even more valuable and (b) allow us to fine tune the overall agenda relative to your expectations.

Please submit comments on the following:

  1. What are two main concerns, issues, challenges or problems that your organisation faces related to the impact of social and behavioural change focused strategies and programmes on your priority issues?
  2. What are the three main "things" you wish to take back to your organisation and work from the knowledge, insights, ideas and perspectives shared on March 29th?

Many thanks: advance dialogue, comment and conversation on these issues would be very helpful. (Please see the agenda previously shared for the overall meeting orientation).

Let the contributions and conversations flow!

Thanks - Warren

Agenda - Meeting at UNAIDS Geneva and online

Hi - attached please find the draft agenda for the "Impact: social and Behavioural Change" meeting hosted by UNAIDS in Geneva on March 29th 2011. Click on link below Read More below to access the full message and the Agenda file attachment. We are sending this to both people confirmed to attend and others who expressed interest as there are some processes included to support virtual participation if you are interested.

To recap, the meeting will work to these objectives. (1) To present the most compelling data from research and evaluation of long-term social and behavioural action at significant scale and (2) To present, debate, and distill the major strategic and programming conclusions from the research and evaluation data presented.

Please note that within the agenda (see the last page) there is a page on the engagement process - how we will handle the critical debate, review and dialogue parts of the agenda. This includes the use of the online platform so that those who are unable to be in Geneva due to meeting room space reasons can engage if you wish (and again profuse apologies for not being able to confirm your in person participation if this applies to you).

There are many people who will be both be in attendance in Geneva and will not be there who could speak very authoritatively to the meeting objectives. We very much appreciate everyone's tolerance and understanding re the format of this meeting. I am sure we have all had experiences of meetings where there were either so many presentations that there was no time for debate, dialogue and engagement and/or the presentation were so short that significant richness and detail are not shared - everything looks too superficial or lacking in validation. With just 5 significant presentations and considerable time for questions and debate we are seeking to ensue both rich detailed presentations and considerable review time.

Sharing your Research and Evaluation Work and Results

Sharing your Research and Evaluation Work and Results

Best wishes. In the course of registering for the Social and Behavioural Impact day at UNAIDS in Geneva on March 29th, a number of people, amongst those who will be both attending and not attending in person, offered to share their evaluation and research work and results. We would like to encourage you to share those with this network through this forum.

Please do click on the "read more..." link below, log in with the username and password previously communicated, then click on the blog icon at top (a-blog), provide a brief summary (with links to any URLs with more detailed information) attach any relevant files and click "save" to submit. It would be excellent to share these. They will add considerable value to both the overall social and behavioural field of work in general and the Geneva process specifically. Plus...

  1. This will complement the meeting process where we have chosen a structure that is focused on the detailed examination of 4/5 evaluation initiatives.
  2. It will ensure that your knowledge is shared as part of this process with the network involved
  3. If we have not already summarised your research and evaluation work within the relevant CI section at we will do so and check in with you before making live
  4. From this process we are planning one (maybe more) issues of The Drum Beat e-magasine (48,000 subscribers at present) and very much like to include your work
  5. People in this network (click on the people icon) will be able to comment, review and ask questions re your research and eveluation.

Thanks - we really look forward to your contributions - best wishes - Warren

Sharing your Research and Evaluation Work and Results

Best wishes. In the course of registering for the Social and Behavioural Impact day at UNAIDS in Geneva on March 29th, a number of people, amongst those who will be both attending and not attending in person, offered to share their evaluation and research work and results. We would like to encourage you to share those with this network through this forum.

Please do click on the "read more..." link below, log in with the username and password previously communicated, then click on the blog icon at top (a-blog), provide a brief summary (with links to any URLs with more detailed information) attach any relevant files and click "save" to submit. It would be excellent to share these. They will add considerable value to both the overall social and behavioural field of work in general and the Geneva process specifically. Plus...

  1. This will complement the meeting process where we have chosen a structure that is focused on the detailed examination of 4/5 evaluation initiatives.
  2. It will ensure that your knowledge is shared as part of this process with the network involved
  3. If we have not already summarised your research and evaluation work within the relevant CI section at we will do so and check in with you before making live
  4. From this process we are planning one (maybe more) issues of The Drum Beat e-magasine (48,000 subscribers at present) and very much like to include your work
  5. People in this network (click on the people icon) will be able to comment, review and ask questions re your research and eveluation.

Thanks - we really look forward to your contributions - best wishes - Warren

Geneva Accommodation

For those of you requiring accommodation in Geneva UNAIDS has provided the following list of hotels that accept UN rates - Warren

Network: Impact - Social and Behavioural Change - UNAIDS - Geneva, March 29th 2011

Many best wishes and thanks for sending the form related to the forthcoming meeting organised by The Communication Initiative and hosted by UNAIDS on the impact of social and behavioural change strategies - March 29th, 20111 in Geneva.

First, my apologies again that we were unable to accept everyone's registration for this event. There were just too many people for the space available. We have tried to get a group balanced in terms of both policy makers, practitioners, researchers, funders and development agency advisers and with differing geographic perspectives. So not being confirmed for this meeting is absolutely no reflection on your work or achievements - definitely not. If you were accepted you will have received a note from me confirming your attendance.

This email is actually a contribution to an online forum established for communication around this forum for all who expressed interest. To see the full message and enter the forum please click on the link below and enter your username (the part of your email before the @) and then the password genevachange29. Can I strongly suggest that your next step is to click on your username top left, then Account Settings and change your password (and username if you wish) so that they are very private. At the same time please do click on Profile and Picture and personalise your presence in this process. Thanks.

We have established this online network for information, dialogue, debate and questioning around the themes of the meeting and the meeting itself. This network will involve (a) people presenting in Geneva (b) people attending (c) people who requested attendance but we very sadly could not confirm to attend in person (d) Communication Initiative Partner focal points and (e) others from The CI network who may be interested. You can of course unsubscribe at any time - just deselect this Group in Account Settings.

At present what you will see in this online space is pretty bare!

Test blog


The Communication and Media for Development Network