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Mapping of C4D-related journals

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Mapping of C4D-related journals

Thanks to Liv Ostergaard for doing background work for this first draft of a mapping of journals of relevance to the C4D world of academics, practitioners and donors. Please take a look at it and add to the list or offer suggestions to improve it!

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Dear all, just adding to

Dear all, just adding to Liv's work, I would like to say that the main job for us in the work team would be to add more journals we deem relevant, and then divide the job between us to especially focus on the 'comments' column, to there concretize and justify what relevance this journal has for the C4D field. I have found quite an elaborate list of African media and comm journals which I would like to add - I will talk to Liv about how we can do that...

Look forward to your further comments on this.

Best, Thomas

Re: [Development Networks] Mapping of C4D-related journals

USAID has just started a new journal, Global Health: Science and Practice, that is explicitly intended to bridge the research/theory to practice gap. It will publish both research and descriptive programmatic work. It's editorial home is the Knowledge for Health project at Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs. First issue will be out in 2013.

I have asked the editorial staff to provide details so it can be added to the C4D journals matrix.


On 07/08/12 11:08 PM, "Development" wrote:

((( Reply by email to POST a COMMENT ))) Greetings Douglas Storey, Comment by Thomas Tufte: Dear all, just adding to

Dear all, just adding to Liv's work, I would like to say that the main job
for us in the work team would be to add more journals we deem relevant, and
then divide the job between us to especially focus on the 'comments' column,
to there concretize and justify what relevance this journal has for the C4D
field. I have found quite an elaborate list of African media and comm journals which I would like to add - I will talk to Liv about how we can do

Look forward to your further comments on this.

Best, Thomas

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Doug - Hi and thanks. I could

Doug - Hi and thanks. I could not see any attachment. If you send to me I will pace with your post - thanks - Warren

Hi all I have added one more

Hi all

I have added one more journal to the mapping in GoogleDocs, while the journal is not in circulation since 2010, its the only one from India, and we can contact the editors to learn if they have plans to republish, to enable research from that part of the world to have a publishing space.

I think we can now divide the list of journals to provide comments. I think it is 5 of us - Thomas/Liv; Doug; Paula/Rafael, Maria and I. Can each of you pick a journal and strart providing comments directly into the document. Since we can edit it directly on the site we dont need to assign journals to individuals.


This is a great list -- a

This is a great list -- a real service. I wonder if we might add the Global media journal. It has issues in different regions, and comes out in electronic form. Also -- media, culture and society (Sparks) might be worth including. These journals do not focus on devcom but I would like to see our issues included more regularly. We had a special issue in Communication Theory in 2001, and perhaps can propose another to the new editors of that journal. Looking forward to more conversation, Karin

Hi Karin. I am glad you find

Hi Karin. I am glad you find the list useful. I have added the journals you suggest - you can always remove them again, if they are not relevant enough. Best, Liv.

Hi everybody. The New York

Hi everybody. The New York meeting is approaching, and we should get started on the commenting process of the C4D journals. It sounds like a good idea to divide the journals amongst us.

A suggestion on how to comment on the journals is to give 1-2 examples on articles that have been published in the journals, in order to get an idea of the type of C4D articles published in the specific journal.

We can then make a bibliography of different types of C4D articles and an analysis and tentativ typology of the type of articles that the C4D field currently consists of. This can be a starting point for discussing where a possible new C4D journal could be placed in the field.

Let me know what you think and I will start commenting on: -Journal of Health Communication -Gazette -Glocal Times

This list is really

This list is really great.

This may be a separate task, and perhaps for discussion at the meeting, but I wonder if we could list some of the more mainstream development journals, the ones that we really need to get C4D articles into in order to raise awareness of C4D, and develop a strategy for those? I'm thinking of a concerted effort to get C4D into the pages of Journal of Development Studies, Development, World Development... hard nuts for many of us in C4D research to crack. I also think getting into the pages of ICT4D journals might be useful, since we might consider C4D has much to teach ICT4D (I would say this anyway!).

Meanwhile, happy to contribute to the commenting task on the current list.


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