Session: It's All Just Fun and Games

12 years 34 weeks ago

It's All Just Fun and Games

Moderator: Ash Pachauri

Presentation: What's in a Game?

What's in a Game - Re-evaluating the Role of Educational Board Games in Life Skills Education Programming with Socio-Economically Vulnerable Adolescents!

Mirna Guha, Sanjog, Kolkata, India

Presentation Description and Full Presentation are attached.

Presentation: Reality Game Show: A Gateway to EE

Reality Game Show: A Gateway to Entertainment-Education

Presentation Description and Full Presentation are attached

Presentation: Dwene Ho! Tuning into the Good Life Game Show

Dwene Ho! Tuning into the Good Life Game Show Presentation Description

Presentation: Engaging Youth- Developing a Game for Adolescents

Engaging Youth- Developing a Game for Adolescents to Enhance Lifeskills