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Credible Methodologies?


Credible Methodologies?

General Task
hace 12 years 51 weeks

Hi - this is the Soul Buddyz (South Africa) 2006 evaluation methodology. In your opinion will this produce credible results?

"In October 2006, in selected households in South Africa (across all provinces and language groups), an adult (16-65 years) was selected randomly with a Kish grid (a grid to randomise participants) and interviewed in the home language of the respondent. If there was a child/children in the same household between the ages of 8-15 years, one child was selected with a grid and interviewed. A total of 1,509 children aged 8-15 years were interviewed. If there was no child in the household between the applicable ages, the adult was still interviewed, but a household with a child in that age range was systematically and randomly found in the household to the right/left of the selected household. Data was weighted up to the national population of South Africa."

Read more at this link

Children and Equity
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