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The Latin American Perspective


The Latin American Perspective

Wednesday, Jan 16
General Task
hace 11 years 36 weeks

To: The Early Child Development Community within The Drum Beat network

From: Julie levy

Re: The Latin American Perspective

Warm greeting to all. If you have visited The Communication Initiative Early Childhood Development (ECD) theme page lately at, you might notice that it features programmes and materials originating in Latin America.

Much of this new information is part of an ongoing effort to bring to English speakers the highlights of work selected by our sister website La Iniciativa de Comunicación which has its Infancia theme page here:

Please do share with us programmes and materials from around the globe which have helped you focus your work in ECD.

In this space, for those registered with our forum, you can let us know: what works in your context, what strategic lessons have been learned for effective action, and what research guides your work.

To contribute and share your insights and knowledge simply reply by email to this message and/or click the Read More link below, log in and comment)

We very much look forward to you sharing your insights.

All the best, Julie

Julie Levy

The Communication Initiative

Early Child Development
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