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Post 2015: Health, Communication, Rights priorities

To: The Health Communication Social Network within The Communication Initiative - including the Market Place for International Development

To: The Health Communication Network
Cross-posted from the Health, Rights, Media Network - with apologies for any duplication

Your Health and Rights Communication Priorities, Post 2015?

The post-2015 framework should include access to justice and legal empowerment targets in a governance goal to address issues most critical to human development - from "Justice 2015 - Measuring Justice in the post-2015 Development Framework".

That paper, from a consortium of organizations includes proposed targets such as: "Ensure the participation of citizens in monitoring essential services such as healthcare, water and education".

Do you agree? Is this an important elements to include in the post-2015 "Goals"? What is the Media role related to such goals? Will this help to build local and national health capacities?

To share your perspectives please either reply by email to this note or click the Read More link below and add a comment on the platform.

Some knowledge relevant to these questions include:

Health Priorities Post 2015: What is the Priority Health Agenda for the 15 Years after 2015?

Legislative advocacy is one strategy outlined. The Health, Rights, Media theme site includes many items on health advocacy, such as these two:

ICT for Agriculture Conference: Invitation for Reflections and Notice on E-mag


The ICT for Agriculture Conference (Kigali, Rwanda, Nov 4-8 2013), described here - - offered participants the opportunity to discover opportunities and information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the field of agriculture. It was co-hosted by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI). More details about what transpired are available on the CTA website, here:

Were you there? If so, what was your experience? It would be great to hear reflections in this forum.

I also wanted to call your attention to the fact that an upcoming special issue of The CI's e-magazine, The Drum Beat, will be highlighting contributions from journalists who attended the conference, such as Arison Tamfu's piece "Harvesting from ict4ag Conference"

Please look out for this Drum Beat issue, which - if you do not already subscribe to receive it via email - will be found here - - in the coming months. (If you wish to subscribe, please do not hesitate to contact us at ).

~ Kier

Recent Drum Beat on ECD and Communication!


Just wanted to call your attention to a recently published issue of our e-magazine, The Drum Beat - 657 - Early Childhood Development Initiatives, Impact

This issue, which is inspired by The CI's partnership with Sesame Workshop, focuses on these topics:

Hope you enjoy reading this issue and consider sharing it with your peers.

~ Kier

Justice on Wheels


I found this piece by Sebastian Krueger on the Open Society Foundations website to be very interesting:

In the context of a very viable focus on the use of social networking, new media, technology, etc. to facilitate access to justice, it is refreshing - in my opinion - to see how the use of a simple bicycle and face-to-face communication (following training) can be a powerful strategy as well.

~ Kier

Ethics and Research: Role of Social Media - Your Thoughts?


The CI site has a number of summaries - both theoretical and practical - that explore the ways in which ethics come into play in a research context when it comes to communication. To cite only one:

Case Study: An Ethics Case Study of HIV Prevention Research on Facebook: The Just/Us Study

This research examines the use of internet-based social media use in research and the research requirement of informed consent. "In this article, we will describe an ethics case study of using Facebook to deliver a sexual education program to youth and young adults, with a focus on those issues... which include a description of potential ethical risks related to beneficence, information and comprehension, equity and special populations, and confidentiality and security."

It would be great to start a conversation here in this forum about how you have addressed ethical challenges when conducting research that involves social media.

Perhaps you could also contribute here good resources you have found on the topic. One of those summarised on The CI site [not specific to social media but still relevant, as video often ends up finding its way to social media] is:
Conducting Safe, Effective and Ethical Interviews with Survivors of Sexual and Gender-based Violence

Please share your thoughts!


Post-Olympic Media Development Russia Reflections?


Now that the Winter Olympics are complete, with the attention of the world on Russia and perhaps media practices there, I wondered if any journalists had any experience with or comments on the media environment in Russia at this time. This summary on The CI site - The Last Gasp of Empire: Russia's Attempts to Control the Media in the Former Soviet Republics - includes the point from author David Satter that "training programs for journalists and media managers in the former Soviet Union, while no panacea, can help acquaint them with well-tested practices. It will also require the media development community to collaborate more closely with broader development and foreign policy efforts to support democratic institutions."

What might such a collaboration look like?

~ Kier

Strategic Roles for Behaviour Change Communication: Brainstorming on research


In this summary on The CI site - Strategic Roles for Behaviour Change Communication in a Changing Malaria Landscape - - we read that "Solid planning must inform BCC interventions so that messages are geared to key audiences, activities are founded on behavioural theories and formative research, and enough commodities are available to meet the demand generated in the population. However, additional data is needed on the effectiveness of BCC for malaria. Research will help to adapt messages and approaches to reduce audience fatigue and to promote new interventions. Malaria behaviours are not static, they change in response to new policies, interventions, and messages."

I think that this call for research could inform not only work in the area of malaria but also other health communication venues. I was wondering if anyone has any resources or experiences to share that highlight ways in which research has been carried out effectively for strategic health communication - not just impact (very important) but prior to the initiative's implementation and along the way. For example, how did you make the focus group discussions work successfully? And so on...


Please read and circulate: The Drum Beat 645 - Health, Rights, Media


As promised, I am sending through the URL of a special issue of our e-magazine, The Drum Beat, focused on the Health, Rights, Media theme site. You can find it here:

Hope you all will enjoy this collection of work and consider sharing it with your colleagues and through your social networks.

Whatever sparks your thoughts, questions, insights, etc. from this Drum Beat issue, please tell us here so that we can continue the conversation!

Kind regards,

Kier Olsen DeVries
Senior Editor, The Communication Initiative
Editor, The Drum Beat

The Media Development Network