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Supporting media: what works and why

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Supporting media: what works and why

To: The Media Development Network within The Drum Beat network

Hi - just a quick note to draw your attention this new blog from Mary Myers

"Supporting media: what works and why?

I've just finished writing a synthesis report about how media can be supported in countries where media freedoms and rights are constrained. It was commissioned by BBC Media Action who asked me to bring together the findings of five case studies covering Bangladesh, Cambodia, Syria, South Sudan and Uganda, commissioned from five other writers. The finished report is entitled What Works and Why? and can be found here.

My first reaction to the task was sceptical - would it be possible to find any workable strategies to support good quality media and journalism across five very different societies? Although some…"

The full blog is at

Please do, from your perspective and related to your context, review, comment, rate and share to your Facebook, twitter, linked in and other networks

Thanks - Warren

The Media Development Network
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