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Useful Resources


Useful Resources

Saturday, Mar 8
10 years 26 weeks ago

Below are a few resources that I thought would be of interest to this group:

Scaling Up Child Survival Programs with Mass Media and Technology This research brief from the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) discusses how mass media and information and communication technology (ICT) can "achieve society-wide changes in social and behavioral drivers of health because they reach millions of people quickly with high quality information....

Scaling Up Livesaving Commodities for Women, Children, and Newborns: An Advocacy Toolkit This toolkit provides information about the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children (the Commodities Commission), its 13 priority health commodities (items that can prevent and treat many of the leading causes of death in women, infants, and children), and examples of how its 10 recommendations to improve access and availability are being applied globally and within countries. It also provides advocacy resources for utilising the Commodities Commission platform to raise awareness and engage stakeholders in addressing commodity-related gaps in policy.

Going to Scale: Early Childhood Development in Latin America The basic purpose of the study is to identify strategies, structures, processes, contents and financing approaches that have been used to design successful and sustainable ECD programmes with national-level coverage. Two questionnaires were used to ask the same questions of a number of ECD programme directors. Roughly comparable information was obtained on the programmes, their organisational settings, how they go to scale, the types of barriers they face, and the strategies they use to overcome them.

Children and Equity
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