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Bringing Technology into the Classroom in the Developing World


Bringing Technology into the Classroom in the Developing World

Sunday, Mar 9
General Task
10 years 26 weeks ago


It would be intriguing, I think, to generate a conversation here about this:
A New Face of Education: Bringing Technology into the Classroom in the Developing World
by Rebecca Winthrop and Marshall S. Smith

The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance to non-specialists interested in pursuing technology for educational improvement in the developing world. It explores questions about what technology is available to support education, what its possible benefits are, and how it can be used effectively - looking closely at the different enabling conditions that frequently shape the success or failure of technology interventions in education and deriving a set of 7 basic principles for effective technology use. One example provided is that of the Education Development Center's Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) project in Indonesia, which was designed to support early childhood development, particularly in meeting school readiness requirements. It resulted in increased scores in language and cognitive development categories between pre- and post-tests, where interactive radio instruction (IRI) learner scores increased by 21 points, while control learner scores increased by 13 points.

Upon reading this full summary/full article, what are your experiences in your own contexts? What lessons have you learned?

~ Kier

Early Child Development
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