- Participant Poll: How do you assess the added value to your work of the Credible Research Methodologies event held in London - 7 votes - open
- Equity related to Children should be a key component of the 2015 post MDG priorities - 4 votes - open
- Should equity be the overriding international development priority? - 1 vote - open
- what is home work like? - 1 vote - open
- New pool Entry 1 Daniel 1 (pool) - 1 vote - closed
- Effective communication for development action requires a primary focus on: - 14 votes - open
- Effective communication for development action requires a primary focus on: - 5 votes - open
- Social and behavioural change should focus on - 1 vote - open
- Social and behavioural change should focus on - 0 votes - open
- Should the Wits Masters Course focus more on the lessons to be learned from Social Movements - 6 votes - open
- Will this test poll work? - 1 vote - open
- Hows does Polls work? - 0 votes - open
- How the heck do the polls work so that people can answer? - 1 vote - open
- Hows does Polls work? - 0 votes - closed