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Session: On the Cutting Edge


Session: On the Cutting Edge

hace 12 years 36 weeks

Presentation: Gaming Practices and Opinion of Youth

Gaming Practices and Opinion of Youth about Efficacy of Mobile Phone Games on HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis in Dehli, India

Presentation Description and the Full Presentation are attached

Presentation: Intersexions: The Story of Social Media Revolution

Intersexions: The Story of a Social Media Revolution
Ruth Teer-Tomaselli
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Intersexions is a 26-part South African television drama series. Its development was informed by the recognition that South Africa has a large HIV and AIDS burden, driven largely by multiple sexual partnerships, intergenerational sex and low condom use.

This presentation examines how the series rose above the competing programming to give South Africans a drama that was not overtly about HIV while addressing the key drivers and how Facebook provided valuable real-time continuous feedback and influenced the ending episode of the series.

Presentation: Mobitainment: Health Education Via Mobile Tech

Mobitainment: Health Education Via Mobile Technology Arshad Beg and Sharvari (Presenter), International Institute of Health Management Research, India

In India a major portion of the population resides in remote rural areas which lack accessibility to basic health services. Accessibility also is hindered by a poor awareness level and lack of knowledge. This study examines mobile phone technology as a means to penetrate rural areas and generate awareness of health care availability among rural women in a district of India. The paper identifies the potential benefit of mobile technology, particularly regarding women's health and as an effective entertainment-education strategy to promote health awareness.

Presentation: Kyunki Jeena... Challenging social norms

Kyunki Jeena... Challenging social norms

Presentation Description and the Full Presentation are attached

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El Gestor de Incidencias le proporciona un modo de seguir el progreso de sus proyectos y asignar casos a sí mismo y a otros.

  • Añadir proyectos para organizar sus incidencias.
  • Añadir incidencias para asignar tareas a sí mismo y a otros.
  • Los casos o incidencias pueden ser reasignados, pospuestos, y cerrados entre otras acciones.
  • La historia de una incidencia - a quién ha sido asignada, su estado y su prioridad- puede ser seguida viendo el hilo de los comentarios.