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HIV/AIDS Shared Knowledge and Network

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HIV/AIDS Shared Knowledge and Network

To: The HIV/AIDS Communication Community in The Drum Beat Network
From: Warren Feek

Best wishes. Wanted to quickly let you know that the HIV/AIDS theme site space is now in the new The CI design. Please access and review at

There are 5,000 plus knowledge summaries shared by your peers in this network across all elements of HIV/AIDS action. As an example here is a basic search for "Eliminate Gender Inequalities" - you can filter further using the options in the right margin.

There is full ability to link/share knowledge of relevance and interest to your own social networks.

This space is structured around the UNAIDS priorities - Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination; Empower MSM, Sex Workers, Transgender; Empower Young People; Enhance Social Protection; 15 Million Access Treatment; Eliminate Gender Inequalities; Increase Antiretroviral Access; Reduce Sexual Transmission and, Remove Punitive Laws and Policies. But there is knowledge across all elements of HIV/AIDS action.

OK - thanks for looking and using. Please do use the comments, ratings, like and link processes.

With many best wishes and thanks - Warren

Warren Feek
Executive Director
The Communication Initiative
Facebook: The Communication Initiative Network
LinkedIn: Warren Feek
Skype: Warren Feek
Office - 1–250-658-6372
Mobile 1-250-588-8795
Fax 1-250-658-1728

HIV/AIDS Communication
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