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Session: Raising Your Voice: Narratives Against Gender-based Violence


Session: Raising Your Voice: Narratives Against Gender-based Violence

12 years 36 weeks ago

Moderator: Anjali Gopalan

Presentation: Evidence Based Edutainment Intervention

Evidence Based Edutainment Intervention to Prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Sonali Khan, Breakthrough India, India

The issue of gender based violence is a complex one. There are social norms/public attitudes and there is behavior change at an individual level. Therefore, the communication designed for such issues needs to be nuanced yet messaging needs to be direct with a clear take away. This presentation explains the Breakthrough methodology that helps determine that in such a campaign, intersectional messages would be secondary and featured in platforms that lend themselves to more nuanced messaging, such as in-depth community trainings. Further explanation of Breakthrough's multipronged approach shows how they created an environment to reduce violence against women.

Presentation: What Abuse is this?

Lucia Araujo, Canal Futura, Brazil

Presentation description and full presentation attached.

Presentation: Brothers for Life: A Success Story

Brothers for Life: A Success Story in Targeting Men

Lusanda Mahlasela (Johns Hopkins Health and Education in South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa) and Tshego Bessenaar (Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation (CADRE), Johannesburg, South Africa)

Brothers for Life is a men's health and wellness campaign targeting men aged 30 and above that was initiated in recognition of the high HIV prevalence among males in the 30-34 age group. The campaign sought to address not only issues of behavioural HIV prevention, men's sexual and reproductive health, medical male circumcision, pregnancy and chil birth, but gender-based violence as well. The presentation explores approaches taken such as reinforcement of positive male behaviours, norms and attitudes through social modelling.

Presentation: Count me in: Campaign against son preference

Count me in: Campaign against son preference Sanjana Gaind, CREA, New Dehli

Presentation description and full presentation attached.

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