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Session: EE in Southern Africa


Session: EE in Southern Africa

12 years 36 weeks ago

Moderator: Lebo Ramafoko (Soul City, South Africa)

Panelists: Rayana Rassool (Soul City, South Africa), Renay Weiner (Packachere, Malawi), and Simon Sikwese (Packachere, Malawi)

By examining the multi-country Soul City Regional Program, this panel will explore how EE messaging can be developed simultaneously and synergistically at a regional and country level to advance HIV prevention and SRHR programming.

The panel will appraise how formative research has contributed to effective EE messaging that speaks to the target audience by addressing key behavioural determinants while at the same time providing entertaining stories that look at the everyday lives of people.

Selected media, produced by the Soul City Regional Program and partners will demonstrate regional resonance of health and development communication while portraying local culture and experience. Findings from target audience will highlight regional commonalities and synergies as well as concerns and the challenges of sustaining high quality EE programs within resource constrained environments, particularly in contexts of political instability, will be critiqued.

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