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Session: You Know What You Did Last Night (Focus on HIV)


Session: You Know What You Did Last Night (Focus on HIV)

12 years 34 weeks ago

You Know What You Did Last Night (Focus on HIV)

Moderator:Glory Mkandawire

Presentation: Mobilizing Communities against AIDS through Radio

Mobilizing Communities against AIDS through Radio Soaps

Mayank Agrawal (National AIDS Control Organization, India)[Presenter], Rajesh Rana (National AIDS Control Organization, India), Sanjanthi Velu (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs - India) and Rajeev Varma (MAKE ART/STOP AIDS - India)

Research indicates a considerable gap in awareness of HIV/AIDS issues, especially in rural India. In order to increase knowledge and initiate behaviour change on issues related to HIV/AIDS, three radio programs targeted to specific audiences (rural women, migrant youth and rural youth) were developed. This session reports on successful outreach blending mass media with inter-personal communication through listener clubs.

Presentation: Message of HIV Prevention for Youth

The Message of HIV Prevention for Youth Goes Down Better with a Little Bit of Shuga

Presentation: Comic Books: An Innovative Way to Reach Ethiopian

Comic Books: An Innovative Way to Reach the Ethiopian Army

Abiy Alazar (AIDS Resource Center, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health/Centre for Communication Programs, Ethiopia)

Data from the 2007 National Surveillance indicates that the Ethiopian army is among the groups most highly by HIV in the country (10.5% prevalence compared to 2.8% national average).

Contributing factors include low risk awareness, separation from spouse, access to disposable income and prevailing male and military norms that increase the likelihood of risky behaviours. A unique intervention, based on the CDC supported MARCH (Modelling and Reinforcement to Combat AIDS) model was designed using Print Serial Dramas in the form of comic books to reach soldiers with information on HIV prevention and positive living. The Black Tigers provided the audience with the flexibility to read the comic books at their convenience and were easy to follow for lower literate audiences. Discussions held with readers further enforced the messages and encouraged the commitments to practicing lower risk behaviours. Evaluation data shows the popularity of the Black Tigers enhanced self-efficacy, increased risk perception and seeking of services.

PresentationFresh Approaches to health communication

Fresh Approaches to health communication- Entertainment-Education in South Africa

Presentation description and full presentation are attached.

Presentation: Tchova Tchova TV Talk Show

Tchova Tchova TV Talk Show- Private Broadcaster SOCIO TV Committed to HIV Prevention

Presentation: On the Leading Edge of EE in Europe

On the Leading Edge of EE in Europe

Moderator: Arvind Singhal (University of Texas at El Paso)

Panelists: Martine Bouman (Centre for Media & Health, Gouda, the Netherlands), Sarah Lubjuhn (Centre for Media & Health, Gouda, the Netherlands; University of Duisberg-Essen, Germany), Filippo Zimbile (Netherlands STD/AIDS Foundation) and Hester Hollemans (Centre for Media & Health, Gouda, the Netherlands)

What models do social change and media entertainment professionals use when engaging in Entertainment-Education (EE) collaborations? How can EE Resource Centers pro-actively prepare for the 3.0 digital age? How can EE become part of the training and education of future professionals in social change and media? The Center for Media and Health (CMH), an independent EE communication adn research center based in the Netherlands, will address these and other questions related to EE practice, research and teaching. Examples will be given from the European EE context.

In "Topic 1: Models in Entertainment Collaboration," various EE collaboration models will be discussed in country-specific settings raising larger implications for EE collaborations. "Topic 2: EE Goes 3.0" will offer possibilities for the effective design and implementation of 3.0 EE interventions in interactive digital media environments such as webisodes, crossmedia and transmedia approaches (web 3.0). And because training is necessary for communication and media students in order to apply EE strategy on a broader basis, "Topic 3: EE Capacity Building for the Future" will address various EE capacity building practices and related questions.

Presentation: Condom is Just Another Word

Condom is Just Another Word: Turning Audiences into Participants

Priyanka Dutt, BBC World Service Trust, India

Imagine a phone ringing at a wedding with the unlikely chant of "condom, condom." The development of a condom-themed ring tome was one part of a two-year multi-media condom normalization ad campaign, targeting men. This presentation discusses the four-phase campaign in India that got people to talk about condoms.

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