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Agenda for C4D 30/31 August Meeting at UNICEF New York


Agenda for C4D 30/31 August Meeting at UNICEF New York

Martes, Aug 28
hace 12 years 1 week

To; Participants in Proposed Communication for Development Association platform

Re: Agenda and participants list for August 30/31 meeting at UNICEF New York

Hi folks - Paula has asked me to forward below and attached to you. To review the attachments click on Read More link below and they are below this post - thanks - Warren


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Attached please find the draft agenda and list of participants for next week's consultation in New York City. In a separate message, you will see the spreadsheet with information about organizations we have researched with respect to their Constitutions and/or Bylaws and Membership Structures and Fees.

Please confirm receipt of this message.

Thank you and regards, Paula

Looking forward to seeing you next week, Paula

Proposed Communication for Development Association
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