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Lessons learned from Polio Eradication Strategies

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Lessons learned from Polio Eradication Strategies

There is little doubt that tremendous progress has been made towards the eradication of polio. Big challenges remain of course. And polio has been an extraordinarily well funded programme.

What can be learned. There are many blogs on theme.

Three that attracted my attention were:

Polio: Is it too late for participation?
Story of Struggle of a Female Polio Worker
Polio Eradication: key choices for the end-game

What insights have you drawn from the polio experience and progress for making further impact on the development issues that are your priorities?

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Dear Warren, Indeed, there is

Dear Warren,

Indeed, there is so much rich communication action and strategy happening in the polio eradication field, and I look forward to reading people's comments here. In the meantime, I wanted to ask those in this network to look out for a Drum Beat focused on polio communication, slated to be sent out to all of our Drum Beat subscribers in early April. It will feature topics around the latest action and strategy around social mobilisation, efforts to address persisting roadblocks such as violence, lessons that have emerged from recent meetings (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria), and perspectives from those working "in the field" of immunisation for polio eradication. Hopefully, this issue will spark comments and contributions from the network!

~ Kier

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