Report on consultation regarding a Global C4D Association
Dear Friends and Colleagues in C4D,
With apologies for the long delay, we are pleased to provide the final report of the 30-31 August 2012 consultation on establishing a global C4D association.
Much has happened since the August consultation, including, as you no doubt know, the closing down of Panos Institute, London.
In addition, discussion around the post-MDG agenda has continued and a website co-hosted by civil society and the United Nations as part of the UN global conversations, , opened “for business” at the end of July. But concern has been expressed that the communication for development/development communication community is not present in top-level discussions, and that the traditional sectors of economics, health, education, protection, nutrition, water and sanitation and others are still being discussed in a fairly silo-ed manner. We thus are reminded that a global C4D association could bring much-needed weight and recognition to the development dialogue.
We are determined to take this process further in 2013, and hope that our efforts will result in a loud, organized and collective voice that will help prevent other organizations like Panos from closing their doors.
The individuals below agreed to serve on an interim Organizing Committee
Jo Tacchi, Deputy Dean, Research & Innovation, School of Media and Communication, RMIT University, Melbourne
Karin Wilkins, University of Texas, Austin
Jackie Davies, Executive Director, C4D.Org
Jesus Arroyave, Head, Dept of Social Communication, Universidad del Norte
OreComm (Thomas Tufte and Oscar Hemer)
Ketan Chitnis initially, for Asia (until someone else joins), Chief, C4D, UNICEF Viet Name Country Office
Rafael Obregon, Chief, C4D, UNICEF
Warren Feek, Executive Director, Communication Initiative
Other individuals will be invited to join the interim Organizing Committee, and if you are interested in this exciting but unremunerated work for the next 18 to 24 months, please let us know!
We also are thinking about identifying 2 or 3 well known and highly visible individuals who might become spokespersons for C4D globally. Using the “six degrees of separation” theory, we would like to request that you think about someone who has visibility or weight at the global level, whom you could contact through someone who knows someone who knows someone!
The group above will convene by Skype or teleconference early in 2013 and decide on next steps, proposals for which are included in the attached report. Paula Claycomb will retire from UNICEF at the end of December, so Rafael will be the focal point for this association in the meantime.
We wish all of you and your families a joyous end-of-year season and a happy and healthy 2013.
All the best, Rafael, Paula and the entire C4D team
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